Travel planning

lifou: The island with many faces

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Nouméa Magenta Lifou 40 min

Regular schedule


Immaculate beaches, steep cliffs, deep forests, huge caves… The variety of landscapes of Lifou — Drehu in the local language — is echoed in the open and enterprising nature of its inhabitants. They will be happy to welcome visitors and share their rich traditions and history with them. Discovering the spirit of the Loyalty Islands begins in Lifou…

Lifou is the largest island in the Loyalty Islands archipelago. Its area of ​​1150 km2 is equivalent to that of Martinique. Even more than in the other islands, the variety of natural sites encourages the visitor to discover. The coast, indented with long and deep bays, gracefully combines long white sand beaches, cliffs cut into the ancient reef and magically colored coral bottoms. The interior of the island, a vast plain built on the old lagoon, is covered with dense tropical forests suitable for hiking.

10,000 inhabitants populate this island divided into 3 customary districts: Wetr, Lösi and Gaïca. The vivacity of traditions and customs is tangible, both during the great customary festivals and in all acts of daily life such as agriculture or the construction of huts. Wé, capital of the Loyalty Islands, is the largest agglomeration. Nicely located on the edge of the bay of Chateaubriand, it houses the main administrative and commercial infrastructures of the island.


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