Travel planning

Maré: The island that speaks to your heart

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Nouméa Magenta Maré 40 min

Regular schedule


The wild beauty of the landscapes of Maré, the deep and almost mystical bond which unites the Mareans to their nature and is found in the vivacity of the traditions, its exceptionally rich history, confer on this secret island a very particular identity which will mark for a long time those who will take the time to penetrate its essence. Made up of encounters and emotions, the discovery of Maré is above all interior…

Maré — Nengone in the local language — is the southernmost and highest of the Loyalty Islands, and twice as small as Lifou with an area of ​​650 km². Its five layers of superimposed corals culminate at nearly 130 meters on the south coast. It is endowed with a wild beauty, made of deeply cut cliffs, basalt rocks, dark forests, but also wonderful little coves of fine sand nestled between rocky promontories as well as long untouched beaches lined with coconut palms. The central plain, made up of the old lagoon, is pierced by numerous caves, and natural freshwater or seawater pools are home to fish and turtles in a shades of blues and greens that cannot be found anywhere. elsewhere in Loyalties.

Maré is divided into 8 districts which bring together 29 tribes: Guahma, Tadine, Wabao, Eni, Médu, La Roche, Tawaïnedr and Pénélo. The main activity of the 6,900 Maréens is market gardening, which supplies all of New Caledonia with fruits with unique colors and flavors. The lawyers of Maré have acquired such a reputation that they tear themselves away from Noumea, and a big party is dedicated to them every year on the island.

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